Sims' Big Brother Traditional Cache
kokopeli: We retrieved this lonely ammo box today. Many thanks to all who have enjoyed the location, but not enough traffic anymore to justify our occasional trip up the mountain for maintenance. kokopeli
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Have you met the Sims? Come find the Big Brother, he's watching you.
This is a regular cache, an ammo box, hidden in a spectacular secret spot. Replaced and RELOCATED a short distance away to a more secure spot in August 2006. You can drive right to it in a high clearance vehicle, and perhaps in a carefully driven family car. Go to a bridge at N41 03.444 W122 21.369 and try the first quarter mile. That's as bad as it gets. Incredible place for a mountain bike, quad, or motorcycle as well.
When you've absorbed the view use binoculars and look down. You CAN spy on the Sims.
Additional Hints
Abegu bs orapuznex, gryrcubar cbyr.