It Takes Two Multi-Cache
GeoKelly's: Checking up on this one we discovered that it had been muggled. Stage one was trashed and no longer working. We are going to archive this one and might turn it into a traditional cache using the final location.
Size: (regular)
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This should be a quick multi-cache for you. Stage one you might have to give it a push or two, and make sure no one is around.
This is our first multi and we tried to be a little different. Area can be muddy after rain. Just off the trail and shouldn't be too difficult. Final is an ammo can so you have plenty of room for trades or TBs.
Congrats to One 4 All - FTF
Additional Hints
Fgntr 1 rlr yriry
Svany Fgntr, pybfre guna lbh guvax