Team Banzai Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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Near Upper Twin Lake on Mt. Hood. Elevation at cache is 4417 feet. "Remember, no matter where you go, there you are."
The "Team Banzai" cache is a tribute to that cool ‘80s movie THE ADVENTURES OF BUCKAROO BANZAI: ACROSS THE EIGHT DIMENSION! It is a standard ammo box adorned with geocaching and Banzai Institute stickers. It is easy to reach—just program the jet car’s navicomputer to N 45 14.688 W 121 40.653 and set the oscillation overthruster to “penetrate matter”, then drive straight through Mt. Hood to the cache--or you can take the wonderful 3 mile hike from the Frog Lake Sno-Park to Upper Twin Lake.
Additional Hints
[Take Highway 26 approximately 7 miles south of Government Camp to Frog Lake Sno-Park at Wapinitia Pass. Take marked trails past Lower Twin Lake to Upper Twin Lake. Enjoy the view of Mt. Hood's peak across the lake.] Ghea yrsg bagb gur genvy gung ybbcf nebhaq gur ynxr. Sbyybj genvy sbe ebhtuyl 225 srrg. Snpr njnl sebz gur ynxr naq fvtug n ynetr gerr ebhtuyl 80 srrg sebz gur genvy. Gur pnpur vf uvqqra oruvaq n snyyra ybt ebhtuyl 25 srrg orlbaq gur gerr.