NOTE: All cache finds with cache owner DiamondGirlTX in The Woodlands, TX area must be excluded before qualifying for this challenge. These caches have inaccurate D/T ratings and therefore cannot be used to qualify for the Fizzy.
21 Jul 2012 Update
At the request of OregonSAGA, this cache has been adopted by a member of Geocachers Exploring Oregon and moved closer to the Portland Metro Area. The rules are and will remain the same as those set out by the original owners of this cache.
The cache is placed on private property with permission of the owners. They only request that cachers seek this cache during daylight hours and respect the trails and forest around the area. The D/T rating is set for the challenge required to find and log this cache. The actual D/T rating for the cache location should be considered a D1.5/T2.0. The round-trip hike to the cache location should take approximately an hour. You can find the cache along Up Creek Road. (Trail Map)
GC11E8N – Well Rounded Cacher (The Fizzy Challenge), the original Fizzy Challenge cache, was placed in California by Kealia to honor the cacher FizzyMagic, who has given much to the “local caching community” better know as the San Francisco Bay area. Challenge caches are one of my favorites types of caches – we’ve done a few and always found them to be worthwhile ventures. This one was placed with the permission and assistance of Kealia. Our thanks to him for his help and suggestions, not to mention the original concept; and my thanks to the local reviewers who were also most helpful.
Read carefully before you seek this cache. You must read and meet the requirements of this challenge BEFORE you can log this cache, both in the logbook in the cache container and online. You may NOT sign the cache container's logbook until all requirements are met. Failure to meet the requirements WILL result in LOG DELETION. This cache is not for everyone. It may not be for you. There is no time limit as to when this cache must be completed. But by the time that you have completed this “Fizzy” (See GC15P98, GC13P6B and GC11E8N) you will have accomplished much and for that we thank you!!
To claim a ‘Find’ for this Cache, you will need to:
Find one of each Difficulty/Terrain combination -- from here on referred to as D/T.
There are 81 unique combinations to ‘Find’. Find or attend one of each of the cache types (inside or outside the D/T combinations):
The different cache types do count towards the 81, so if you find a 2.5/2.5 multi-cache, it fulfills both the cache type and D/T requirement. MEGA events, APE caches and Locationless caches are specifically excluded and cannot be used to fulfill a needed D/T combination.
An Important Note:
We have no idea how many combinations Oregon currently has.
You may use caches from any geographic location to meet the requirements.
The Rules:
Use common sense. If you cheat, you mainly cheat yourself. However, if you cheat, we will delete your log and state why we deleted your log in its place.
Caches used to satisfy the requirements for this cache may come from any state.
ALL PREVIOUS FINDS AND EVENTS COUNT. Any Geocache ‘Found’ anywhere and listed on -- Costa Rica, Belgium, China, etc! You DO NOT start from ‘0’ at this point.
No D/T combination rating changes will be accepted as countable towards this challenge.
All caches ‘Claimed’ must be claimed under guidelines and where a physical log exists, it must be signed and the ‘Find’ logged on rules and restrictions. All requirements for the cache that are placed on the cache by the cache’s owners must be met. Other geocachers accompanying the challenge participant must also meet the all the owner’s cache requirements if they intend to claim the cache as part of this challenge. Failing to meet the owner’s requirements for the cache will result in deletion of your claim for a ‘Find’ in this Challenge.
If during the time that the challenge is active (It is intended to remain active as long as is active.), a cache of that D/T becomes ‘Active’ then that cache will be determined to be part of the challenge once it has been verified that the D/T combination rating is valid. You may however meet the D/T combination wherever that D/T combination exists
Logging finds on caches you own will not be allowed.
You may have others with you when you log the final, but only those who have fulfilled ALL requirements for this cache will be allowed to sign the logbook in the container and make trades.
This cache does not count as a 5/5 in the matrix. You must find a 5/5 before this one.
When in doubt ask -- we can discuss it or even seek guidance from others, but the final decision rests with the cache owner.
Personally owned trackables are not to be left in this cache because of anticipated very light traffic (unless this is it's mission). You are welcome to log trackables in and out, if you choose.
Thank you for respecting these rules. The intent is to have a level playing field and geocaching is supposed to be fun! To gain credit for this find you MUST satisfy the cache owner that all requirements have been met.
Keeping track:
Both groups of requirements are now visible on the "Statistics" page under your profile. You will find a list of the cache types you have found as well as your personal D/T grid. Feel free to use the additional methods below to view and track your finds.
Although not required, FizzyMagic's FindStats program can be helpful. (A download is required to use this program.) This is especially useful for gpx files generated by pocket queries, such as from bookmarked cache lists. FYI, as I played with this program, I found that files generated by GSAK did not work.
Cachers may find the It's Not About The Numbers website useful. (The use of this website is also not required.) This site uses your 'My Finds' pocket query to generate statistics useful to keeping track of your D/T combinations. Other pocket queries or gpx files generated by GSAK cannot be used here.
For GSAK users, try this macro. Although I haven't yet played with it, it appears that a GSAK database containing all of your finds could be used here. The use of GSAK and this macro is not required for this cache. Thanks to Allanon for the suggestion.
You are more than welcome to post notes and/or pictures of your progress here as you work towards the final.
To get (and keep!) credit for this find:
When you have found all of the required combinations, claim your find on this cache.
Now as long as you have done your part you have completed Oregon's Fizzy. Congratulations!!!
To quote Kealia: "This should be fun and I'm counting on the honor system for sticking to the rules. . . . I will spot check the finds, but don't want to have to be the cache police and check every find. Please "play" fair and have a good time!"