The given coordinates will take you to a local high school where they may be able to solve the puzzle if you can’t do it on your own.
I have to admit that I find it inconc__v_ble (ie or ei; a or i) to find cachers who in their exuber_nce (e or a) to place a cache don’t at least use spell check. Their perform_nce (e or a) would be enhanced and one would not wonder about ignor_nce (e or a) as opposed to knowl__ge (e or ed) and intellig_nce (e or a.) Hopefully I’m not emba__a__ing (double or single r and s) any of those reading this.
The solution to this puzzle is simple. Just check for the occur__nce (e, a, re or ra) of mi__pellings (s or ss) versus correct ones at your l__sure (ie or ei.) If you’re feeling some hesit_ncy (e or a) or resist_nce (e or a) to doing this, just put this cache on your ignore list.
Below are mi__ellaneous (s or sc) spellings of some prev_l_nt (e or a; e or a) errors that have become collect_bles (i or a) for me. If your prefer_nces (e or a) are correct, you will have the correct cache coordinates. Don’t let persist_nce (e or a) do you in.
Here’s the questio__aire (n or nn)
A = ___ cemetary (6) or cemetery (7)
B = ___ dictionary (0) or dictionery (5)
C = ___ maintenence (7) or maintenance (1)
D = ___ sophmore (3) or sophomore (6)
E = ___ souvenier (3) or souvenir (2)
F = ___ vengeance (8) or vengence (3)
G = ___ perseverance (5) or perserverance (4)
H = ___ grammar (3) or grammer (9)
I = ___ camoflauge (1) or camouflage (3)
J = ___ temperature (4) or temperture (7)
K = ___ weird (8) or wierd (9)
Cache coordinates are:
W 122° GH.IJK
Trail entrances - there are two from the side street, Galloway St SE. Although one looks closer, they are equally distant for walking. DO NOT enter from the Henderson - you may be ticketed and there are no trails.
February 27, 2011 - added coordinate checker.