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...is a little piece of paradise at the end of a long bumpy dirt road. It is located near the north end of the peninsula of Rodopou. Take time to rest a while an have a swim at this very lonley place. Once the temple of Diktynna was located on the hill south of the beach (N35 39.812 E23 46.073) and several objects were found there - such as the statue of Diktynna with a hound.
Follow the road from Rodopos (N35 33.754 E23 45.312) north. About 2km north of Rodopos the gravel road starts (N35 34.992 E23 45.139). If you go by a "normal car" you should drive slow and be prepared for at least one hour driving this road. Park your car at the remains of Sanctury of Diktyna (N35 39.838 E23 45.963). From here follow the gorge about 750m to the cache.
...is hidden in a hole of a tree in front of a small cave. Don't hesitate to have a look at the spoiler picture (visit link). Please rehide the cache carefully. Good luck and enjoy your visit!
Small note on cache maintenance: Maintanance will be done by OMILOS. Thanks!
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