DLXXVIII Mystery Cache
Alba15: This cache has been unavailable for a considerable period and as the owner has not given any indication whether it is being repaired/replaced I am archiving it.
If you wish to email me please send your email via my profile (click on my name) and quote the cache name and number.
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Size:  (regular)
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Simple, go to the highest point on OS Explorer map 348 and find the cache. Simple but brutal!
Beg, steal or borrow this map or another one that covers the area from NS500750 to NS800950 (coordinates above are for the centre of that map). It’s only 600 sq.km, surely you can find it amongst that!
Enjoy the walk. Don’t complain to me about how steep it is, I know, I had to go there to place the blooming thing!
P.S. Don’t forget to take a note of the letters and numbers inside the lid, it would be a real shame to have to walk all the way back up there.
Additional Hints
Lbh jnag zber pyhrf? Ab punapr, lbh’ir nyernql unq rabhtu!