Grabed by US park service, former yugo wego yargo Traditional Cache
Grabed by US park service, former yugo wego yargo
Size:  (regular)
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Hello, Black Knight here, I am sorry to tell you that Yargo no longer exists, it was confiscated by the park rangers.
Well, now that I have your attention, fear not, this site will return, hopefully in the Ft Yargo park in the near future. I had a very nice conversation with the park Ranger, and it seems that his bosses deamed it a no-no. mostly for the fact that I or We did not ask first to use the park for our advanture, silly us. I will be tracking down some leads, and Apologizing to some folks, and asking for permission to use the parks in the future. Part of their argument was that the site could be used for mischief, and I argued, discused, that you would need to be a pretty high tech micheaver, to find them first of all, and so far, I have not found any type of bad thing in any cache. If I were to find some sort of parapanalia, or matches, or knives, I would remove them like I'm sure the rest of you would also. What the Ranger said he would like is for him to have known about it, and to know the location of the site to be able to check on it from time to time. he found it totaly fanacating and thought it was a way cool idea. If you want more info on this, please let me know. This is a wonderfull sport, and the parks offer a safe environment for our families to trek around in the woods
thanks, The Black Knight
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