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Calella de los Alemanes Multi-Cache

This cache has been archived.

vmakowski: We will convert this cache into a Where-I-Go cache for the Mega-Event in fall and would like to make space for other caches in Calella.

Hidden : 8/2/2009
2 out of 5
5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

This is a Multicache through Calella de la Costa. The town has a beautiful wide beach but is a typical "cheap tourism place". In the 1960s it was called "Calella de los Alemanes" due to the large number of German bus tourists.

The stages of the cache take you to a couple of less known places and away from the general tourist areas.

One stage is under water and you will need at least snorkling equipment or scuba equipment depending on the season.

**** We are working on a description of this multicache in Spanish, Catalan and German - but it will take us some time to post them here ***

German cache description: (visit link)

Note: The under water stage is the reason for the terrain rating 5, all other stages are 1 or 1.5 !

We would be very happy to receive your comments about this multicache. It was designed to keep you busy for two or three days. The complete walking distance is about 6 to 7 kilometers. It may be possible to do it on one day (some say in 2 hours!), but that would certainly be hard work and not vacation. The fastest finder (please note the time and date at start and end of your search and send us an email) will receive a "Fastest Finder Diploma" from us via PDF.

Current Fastest Finder: GALTANEGRA and MONISTROLENCS in 24 hours

Please leave all the installations in place or return them to the same status. If you loose or destroy anything, please let us know immediately (especially Stage 8). This can always happen, but if you forget to inform us, you are spoiling the experience for the next geocachers and the geocaching gods will punish you with 10 DNF in a row. ;-)

We have a couple of additional hints for you which do not have enough space in the waypoint descriptions.

Calculations: All calculations are to be done based on the last five digits of MinDec. N 41° and E 2° are the same for all stages.



Calella's Lighthouse is the most southern of the lighthouses at the Costa Brava and Costa del Maresme. Unfortunately it can not be visited but from time to time there are exhibitions in the lighthouse. From the entrance gate you can walk a pathway to the left and get some great views of Calella.

CAUTION: If you are here with your kids, don't let them run upfront! There is a fence, but the place is not completely secure against falling.

Find the coordinates of the next stage on a small aluminum plate.

There is a parking place at the bottom of the rock next to the NII national street. We recommend to spend a day at the "Rocas"-Beach (Rocks-Beach) and take care of stages 7 and 8 from here.

There is also another cache "Les Torretes de Calella" nearby.


STAGE 8 (more details about the diving stage)

This is the most difficult stage of this multicache. It is located under water.

You can pinpoint the location of this stage by going to the North coordinates minus 0° 00.027. You will find a rock on the beach bordering the water. From there you need to go exactly south approximately 100 strokes of your fins or about 49 metres. At a depth of approximately 4.4 meters you will find a sand-filled triangle-shaped area in a rock. In the middle of it we have buried the next coordinates in the sand. Since summer 2010 the installation is attached to the rock with a wire for greater durability.

CAREFUL: Do not touch the rocks. The algae on it have nettles and can sting or burn your skin. We got an ugly nettle rash when hiding it, but in the end we thought it is a good place to prevent muggles from finding it.

After a rainy day the visibility can be very poor. We were unable to check the position on 2nd of August 2009 due to a thunderstorm the night before.


Content of initial cache:
There are two cache boxes in the same place. The round box contains pens and the FTF, STF and TTF-diplomas. The second box contains the logbook and the trading items.

TB Finchen - The Butterfly
Porsche 356 Coupé red
Butterfly clip
Metal horse
Ceramic elephant
Creme tube
Creme jar
Duck key chain withnoise & light
Frog refridgerator magnet
Several pens
Diploma for FTF, 2nd TF, 3rd TF

Additional Hints (No hints available.)