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Glen Eyrie RM2 Mystery Cache

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3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Take a trip up Rampart Range Road and get great views. No Puzzle involved just a nice twist on a cache with extras

Elevation is over 8100 feet but you can drive to within yards of the cache. Gravel and sometimes washboard road. Watch for traffic in opposite direction. Suggest keeping speed below 16MPH. No parking area so keep well to the edge of the road. Suggest you park at the shooting range and hike the road the rest of the way or proceed 1/2-mile beyond cache for turn-around. Cover the cache the way you find it. Don't try this one in the dark or if lightning.

Besides a ammo can cache, you may see something you are not familiar with.

Take camera and binoculars. Outstanding views in all directions. Also bring along some trash bags - CACHE IN, TRASH OUT! You'll see what I mean.

Geocaching Colorado

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Sbyybj gur neebj naq znxr gjb bgure svaqf. Nabgure fhecevfr ng abegu guveglrvtug svsglsbhe cbvag bar avar frira jrfg bar bu sbhe svsglsbhe cbvag svir rvtug gjb. Ybt gur svaqf ba gur nccebcevngr cntr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)