The old story goes that many years ago, a very strange and mysterious house once stood at the end of the long driveway you will need to walk down to access this cache. While the original house is now long gone, an even stranger, and somewhat more mysterious structure does still exist (and this is the site where our cache has been placed).
As your walk brings you to a point near the end of the long driveway, you may be able to see on your right (off in the distance) just the very top of the eerie old structure that has become better known as, "The Chamber of Death”
The stories that tell of unspeakable horror and demented evil that once occurred in this small stone chamber can not be fully revealed or explained here, do to the fact that young children may have access to, or possibly sneak a peek at this cache description. Trust in the fact though that these are stories that would send chills up the spines of the bravest of souls, and could easily be used to produce some of the scariest movies ever made.
Using your GPS device to guide you, slowly walk over towards the Chamber... do it very cautiously, and be on your constant guard... listen for any strange sounds, and take it VERY Easy... just go.. Step.. by Step.. by Step!
Once you finally arrive at the wildly overgrown Chamber, you will see that you are standing at the level of the old stone roof. Proceed over to the right, and slowly... VERY Slowly... begin your walk down the cold and creepy old stone steps. Just go one step at a time... and count... One, Two, Three... and remember to be on the constant lookout as you go down each step.
And above all... keep this thought in mind as you proceed along your way to finding the cache that’s hidden at The Chamber of Death....
Have Fun and Happy Caching!