Before the Bridge Virtual Cache
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Before there was a Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the “Reach the Beach” crowds from the Western Shore now clogging Route 50 had to utilize different modes of travel cross the Bay and the Delmarva Peninsula. This cache is a look back into time, when the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railroad met grand Bay ferries at this landing. Begun in 1890, the ferries transferred Annapolis and Baltimore passengers and freight to waiting trains until 1924, when financial troubles closed down the landing and rail line out to Easton, Salisbury, and Ocean City.
Now, this landing is one of the best places to catch a quiet sunset on the Bay. Enjoy the area, but remember to respect private property by walking back to the jetty access road from the wharf parking lot.
Additional Hints
Jnyx hc gur fgerrg sebz gur junes cnexvat nern, svaq n fznyy choyvp bar ynar npprff ebnq (Onl Fg.) gung yrnqf gb gur byq wrggl juvpu vf znantrq ol Gnyobg Pbhagl. Guvf yvrf gur bgure fvqr bs bs gur ubhfrf gung oybpx lbhe jnl qverpgyl sebz gur junes. Sebz gurer lbh jnyx bhg bagb gur byq wrggl gb ybpngrq gur erdhrfgrq vgrzf sbe vqragvsvpngvba.