Welcome, new cachers! Traditional Cache
Zemkies: This cache never seems to find its way back to the correct spot.
Size: (small)
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We’ve always been an outdoorsy kind of family. In 2007, Santa placed a Garmin Vista under our tree, adding a new dimension of fun to our outdoor adventures. We’re placing this cache in honor of our cachiversary, to welcome to the sport all those who received a gps from Santa or the Hanukkah Armadillo. The cache contains a few items that may be useful to new cachers. Seasoned cachers are also welcome, and they may want to bring along a trading item that would be helpful to their less experienced counterparts. The cache is located in Fasola Park in Deptford, which has a paved walking trail and is kid friendly. The cache is just a few steps off the trail.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)