Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Radon Traditional Cache
TeamSpider3: Looks like it is gone, at least it wasn't where we placed it, and a DNF was logged last week. DRAT! I probably won't place a new one until after the Art & Wine Festival on 8 May 04.
Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Radon
Size:  (regular)
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Small traditional cache in an East San Jose Park.
Not much reason to go to this East San Jose park these days, the playground is gone for the new construction, the grass is dried up. BUT WAIT, there are now two caches there!
This cache is a 1.25 cup container. Its initial content:
* cache letter, log, pencil stub
* Vermont quarter
* angel pin
* Sunset Limited pin
* Chanticleer key chain
* koala patch
* ribbon bow pin
* thimble
Small trade items will fit.
Should be an easy find with few geomugles around due to the construction of the new library branch, so no hints initially.
One could use the cache title as a small chemistry lesson for curious kids.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)