Debt Ratio Mystery Cache
geowyz: I checked on the cache today and it is long gone, probably in the GOM by now due to our recent flooding. Although I liked the page artwork and thought it was a pretty slick idea, there was way too much inaccuracy in the measurement and calculations and almost everybody was off by an unacceptable amount. I will use this opportunity to archive this puppy.
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The above location is not the the location of the cache.
To find my cache you are going to have to whip out a credit card (we accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, or even Discover.) Imagine we blow your credit card up to 50,000 times its original size and lay it on the ground with the long edges running exactly east-west (true) and the top of the card toward the north.
The above coordinates are at the southeast corner of the card and you can find the cache at the northwest corner (ignore the rounded corners) - it's that easy! (By the way, if you don't have a credit card, you can use a standard Texas driver's license.) Have fun and remember: don't leave home without it!
Additional Hints
Gb zber pybfryl zngpu zl ahzoref, zrnfher npphengryl gb gur arnerfg zvyyvzrgre naq pnyphyngr hfvat gur zrgevp flfgrz.
V ebhaqrq zl ornevatf gb gur arnerfg jubyr qrterr.
V ebhaqrq zl cebwrpgrq qvfgnapr gb gur arnerfg gragu bs n xvybzrgre.
Gur pnpur vf n pnzb-cnvagrq ghccrejner pnavfgre ebhtuyl guerr srrg nobir tebhaq yriry va fbzr guvpx ivarf pyvzovat n gerr.
Zber uvagf nsgre gur hfhny fhfcrpgf svaq gur pnpur.