NorthWest Entrance to the Underworld-Kaena Multi-Cache
NorthWest Entrance to the Underworld-Kaena
Size:  (small)
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Cache is located inside a tunnel that you access by climbing the ridge at Kaena Point.
Bring a GOOD FLASH LIGHT to see in the tunnel.
You can get there from either the Wai`anae side or the North Shore side. From Wai`anae you must round the point to access the gravel road that leads to the trail going up the ridge.
This ridge is kool as it is really the northwest END of the Wai`anae Mountain Range. There are a number of old WW Two military bunkers that you will find as you climb the ridge.
The trail begins at :
N21 34.443 W158 16.436
Follow your GPS and it will take you to the tunnel entranace. The trail is narrow and somewhat overgrown. It switch-backs up the ridge but is not really to difficult to hike.
The cache contained at start :
1-Log book and pencil
2-Surfer Sticker
3-Yellow Hiker Man
4-A Money Clip
5-A "gellin" AM/FM radio
6-A calculator
7-A Finger Flash Light.
Check the photo for clues.
For more information about going from the Wai`anae Coast check out this link. You'll have to copy and paste it as it is not a HOT link.
(visit link)
Additional Hints
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