Road to Pond Eddy Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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The little town of Millrift doesn't attract much attention
today, but many years ago it was quite the place for the rich and
famous to come and enjoy the quiet away from their busy lives.
Today there are only two roads to get you into this little town.
But in the 1800s and 1900s there was a road that connected Millrift
to the town of Pond Eddy, PA, about five miles away. This road is
no longer open for traffic, and so Pond Eddy is cut off from the
rest of the state - residents of that town need to drive through
New York to get to the rest of Pennsylvania, including their school
students needing to ride a school van through NY to school!
This cache will take you to the start of what is left of that
old road to Pond Eddy. You will see "No Trespassing" signs, but Mr.
Dowd the landowner knows about geocaching and has granted
permission for me to hide this cache here and for geocachers to
come and find this cache. You won't need to go more than a few feet
from the road to find this cache. |
Cache #20 |
Additional Hints
zvpeb pnpur nobhg guerr srrg nobir tebhaq