JohnJohn: I have archived the cache. The cache was in an area that has fragile flora and my hope is that less people will meander off the track.
“The vegetation communities in the park sections are fragile because the peaks are small isolates with steep terrain and easily eroded soils… In particular the rocky heathlands on the summits are being degraded by visitors walking over them. This seriously affects herbaceous species and some shallow-rooted perennials. The heaths’ shallow, skeletal soils make it difficult or impossible for plants to recolonise after trampling or fire.”
“Significant species in Mt Ngungun’s rocky pavement community are threatened by trampling. These include Calyrix tetragona, Arundinella Montana and Micraira subulifalia.”
(The above two quotes are copied from Department of Environment.(2009), Glass House Mountains National Park management plan.)