This would be a great place to start you journey around Wye Island & the many trails you can explore here. With the picnic tables it is a good place to take a break & have some lunch while you get a peek of what lies ahead.
There are some very awesome sights here including the great 'Holly Tree' that is almost 300 yrs old. With some 2,800 acres there will be more than you can see in 1 day but this stop will at least give you an idea of what to expect.
There are miles of trails to take you through the different areas, each with its own surprises. They range from .5 miles long to 4.2 miles. They are all rated as EASY.
For more info you can go to:
Remember that it is all wilderness here & the wildlife that lives here has the right of way. Some of the inhabitants can be nasty so always be aware of your surroundings & where you are stepping & reaching. Be careful but most of all ENJOY!
Proud member of the Military Association of GeoCachers
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**********FTF goes to mm52. Good job partner**********