Nice and easy terrain throughout most of the search. Watch out for burrs & barbed wire, South Texas staples, right near the actual cache.
UPDATE 10-09-03: Went and replaced the log book and plastic bag, there is a trail up from the main path that leads to the cache area.... please do NOT continue to use it, let the brush grow back... please approach from the back side/field area; there is a nice large cleared area to the north of the cache that runs straight from the path to the field. From here head into the brush to find the cache. If the trail gets any more obvious, we may have to retire this one, and we really don't want to do that. The park is being abused a bit by the locals with garbage and vandalism; please bring a trash bag to CITO. It might also be a good idea to bring a walking stick as the spiders are trying to claim this cache as theirs! The heat, humidity, and flying bugs are also a bit vicious here as well.
Keep your eyes open, this cache has been specially hidden but is mostly out in the open. Please take care when putting the cache back where you found it. If you notice the area around the cache getting trampled down, help us by camouflauging it a little better, Thanks!
Lunchtime Cache Thorns Cache In - Trash Out! Dogs Allowed |