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Let's Get Wet!!! Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

adrC: It's been a good 16 years with this cache. Time to archive it as the land around it starts to change.

Hidden : 2/12/2006
1 out of 5
5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

So you’ve gotten FTF’s in parks, in alleys, in carparks, in jungles, behind lampposts, up trees, below drains… all whilst biting that Maglite between your teeth as your hands rummage through the thick bushes hoping to feel something familiar. All these in the middle of the night, before dawn breaks when the entire GC community will descent on the cache. Here’s something I hope will even up the playing field a bit :

Cache is located in a most inaccessible place of Singapore. As its name suggests, I am hoping people will take the time to try out a new activity to get to the cache. Wheels will get you nowhere near the cache. A set of sturdy legs will be pretty torn up by the thick brush that protects it if you try bashing in. So rather then thinking of how to get to GZ from the air, how about coming from the sea? GZ is located behind a breakwater and cache is a blue capsule container. Owning to its small size, there’s only a log book and pencil inside the cache. You are welcomed to leave anything that you can fit into it or that hasn’t gotten wet yet. Enjoy the view and the solitude here, a pleasure so scarce in our world.

Kayaks can be rented from Paddle Culture ( ) at the old Big Splash (N01° 17.814 E103° 54.001). It opens only on weekends from 10am – 6pm. Charges are $8 per hr (non members). Dun worry they got kayaks suitable for all levels. But hey it won’t hurt to sign up for an introduction course if you are really new to this activity. Call 63460871 for further info or to check avail of kayaks.

So time to waterproof those GPS sets and paddle away!!! Pls exercise your own judgement and common sense when attempting this cache. If you are not confident of kayaking, pls get the proper training before attempting. Do not attempt the cache alone or in bad weather. GZ is only about a 15-30min (abt 1.3km) kayak away from Paddle Culture. Good Luck!!!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Onol K'Znf Gerr ba Oernxjngre gnxr Ornevat 272°, 30z. Gvrq gb gerr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)