Skalka nad Hlinskem / Little Rock above Hlinsko Traditional Cache
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Skalka nad Hlinskem / Little Rock above Hlinsko
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!!!!POZOR cache je mírne posunutá!!!!!
Nové souradnice jsou:
N 49° 45.158 E 015° 54.480
Prijemna turisticka prochazka nad mesto Hlinsko. / A nice walk above the town of Hlinsko.
Mistni skalka nad Hlinskem je v mapach uvadena take pod nazvem „Na skalce“. / Local little rock above Hlinsko is also shown in maps as „On the Little Rock“. Skalku naleznete na souradnicich cca N 49° 45.21' E 015° 54.362', zde byla take puvodne umistena cache, ktera byla presunuta z duvodu jejiho zniceni na vyse uvedene souradnice. / Little Rock is situated at coordinates N 49° 45.21' E 015° 54.362', there was original cache, but it was removed because it had been damaged.
Vedle skalky se nachazi urnovy haj, kde si muzete prohlednout sochu Mistra Jana Husa. Pomnik byl puvodne postaveny r.1928 v Jihlave. Nacisty roku 1939 potupeny, poskozeny a zboreny. Ve stejnem roce byl zachranen a prevezen do Hlinska. Zde roku 1950 znovu postaven Cirkvi ceskoslovenskou s pomoci mesta a obcanu Hlinska. Chovejte se ovsem na tomto pietnim miste tise a klidne! / Next to the Little Rock there is a cinerarium, there you can see the statue of Master John Hus. The monument was originally built in 1928 in the town of Jihlava. It was decrialed, cracked and wrecked by Nacis in 1939. In the same year it was rescued and transported to Hlinsko. Here in 1950 it was built again by the Czechoslovak Church with the help of the town and the inhabitants of Hlinsko. Please, behave there on this reverent place silently and quietly!
Od urnoveho haje se vam naskytne krasny vyhled na mesto Hlinsko. / From the cinerarium you can have a beautiful view over the town of Hlinsko.
Upozornujme, ze lezeni po skalce je na vlastni nebezpeci, zvlaste pak po destich skalka opravdu klouze. Sve geovozidlo muzete zaparkovat pred urnovym hajem. Pri celnim pohledu na vstupni branu se vydate vpravo podel plotu primo ke skalce. Od skalky pujdete vzhuru po ceste a cache naleznete v lese nalevo. Cache je dobre objevitelna, tak prosim zbytecne nenicte okoli a radsi se vicekrat rozlednete. Pri vyzvedavani budte opatrni a davejte pozor at vas nikdo nevidi. Oznacena tuzka, orezavatko a propiska patri do vybaveni cache, neslouzi k vymene. / Warning: climbing here is at your own risk, it is really slippery when wet. You can park your car in front of the cinerarium. Facing the entrance gate, walk round the fence to the right directly to the Little Rock. From Little Rock you can go up the path and you can find cache in the near forrest on your left. Cache is easy to be found, so please do not unnecessarily damage the surroundings and rather look round more times. When you get the cache, be careful and look round because some people can watch you. Accessories of this cache: a pencil, a pencil sharpener and a pen.
Neco malo o Hlinsku: / Something short about Hlinsko:
Mesto Hlinsko má cca 10 tisic obyvatel. Lezi na rozhrani Ceskomoravske vrchoviny a Zeleznych hor zhruba 590 m nad morem. Mestem proteka reka Chrudimka.
Nazev Hlinsko pochazi od slova hlina. Velka loziska kvalitni hrncirske hliny umoznila vzniknout nejstarsimu remeslu hrncirstvi.
Mezi pamatky, ktere stoji za to navstivit, patri barokni kostel Narozeni Panny Marie. V prostoru mezi tvrzi a kostelem se nachází soubor roubenych domku, zvany Betlem, kde muzete zkusit odlovit cache GC12ZBY. Dalsi zajimavosti je rodny domek akademickeho sochare Karla Lidickeho, jehoz dilo mohou navstevnici obdivovat v mestske galerii. Naproti galerii muzete take navstivit hlinecke muzeum. Sportovne zalozeni geocacheri mohou navstivit hlineckou sjezdovku, uzit si zimniho lyzovani a nenechat si ujit cache GC1TBBW.
The population is about 10 thousand inhabitants. It is situated on the boundary-line between the Czech-Moravian Highlands and the Iron Mountains, approximately 590 meters above the sea-level. There floats the river Chrudimka.
The name Hlinsko comes from the word clay. There were large deposits of quality clay for the potters.
There are some historical monuments, for example baroque church of the Birth of Virgin Marry. Between the church and the citadel there is an open air museum of folk architecture called Betlehem. Here you can try to find cache GC12ZBY. There is also the birthplace of sculptor Karel Lidicky whose work of art it is possible to find in local gallery. Opposite the gallery you can also visit the museum. If you like sport, you can go to the steep hill where you can ski and try to find cache GC1TBBW.
POZN.: Pro ty, kterí stále ješte podle instrukcí skalku nenašli prikládám plánek cesty ke skalce od urnového háje.
Additional Hints
Cbq ilienpralz n ebmcnqylz trbcnermrz. / Haqre qvfcebirq naq ebggra trbfghzc.