Freeway View Traditional Cache
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erik - admin
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Best accessed by bicycle; short walk required. No close parking 9-5 M-F for cars. Don't park in the bike lane!
Definitely urban, not a picnic or hiking destination, but it is unusual and one might see Red Tail Hawks in addition to the traffic.
This is a small (1.5" x 5.5" x 9") rectangular rubbermaid container. This was left open in the rain and the paper contents were destroyed. After being achived for cleaning, contents as of 13:00 Feb. 15, 2003 include: Junior Warden Badge, Rubber Duckie, Plastic Beads, Santa Salt Shaker, hair clips, 'peace on earth' bracelet, baby mickey mouse bottle cap, 50's club eraser, rubber ball, 3 plastic 'Roman' coins, plastic dragonfly, fireman elephant.
Additional Hints
Tb cnfg, gura ybbx onpx haqre byq ebnq.