Jackson Artesian Well Earthcache EarthCache
Jackson Artesian Well Earthcache
Size:  (not chosen)
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This Artisian Well is located in a historical area with easy access and parking nearby.
An artesian aquifer is a confined aquifer containing groundwater that will flow upwards out of a well without the need for pumping. An aquifer provides the water for an artesian well. An aquifer is a layer of soft rock, like limestone or sandstone, that absorbs water from an inlet path. Porous stone is crushed between impermeable rocks or clay. This keeps the pressure high, so when the water finds a hole, it defies gravity and goes up instead of down.
Here's a little experiment to show you how artesian pressure works. Fill a plastic baggie with water, put a straw in through the opening, tape the opening around the straw closed, then squeeze the baggie. Artesian water is pushed out through the straw.
In order to log this cache you need to do the following:
1. Picture of you with your GPS at the well.
2. Estimate how deep the water table is in the area.
**To do that, you need to find the elevation at the nearest open water and the elevation at the artesian well and compare the two.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)