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The Lion King Traditional Cache

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Lorgadh: As the owner has not responded to my previous log requesting that they check this cache I am archiving it.

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Lorgadh - Volunteer UK Reviewer
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Hidden : 5/30/2011
2 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

A small box at the Lion Rock.

Mega Scotland 2014

There are many geological fault lines running across Great Cumbrae leading to a number of interesting rock formations. Generations of people have been delighted by the painted ‘Crocodile Rock’ and ‘Indian Rock’ and the unadorned ‘Victoria Face’ and ‘Lion Rock’. This last, very prominent, feature is where you will find a small geocache with a few swaps and maybe room for a travelbug or two.

Sitting on a post-glacial raised beach, the 65 million year old Lion Rock’s proper name is Houllon Keipel Dyke and it is one of Scotland’s best known landmarks.

For those with a geological interest it is a Tertiary age tholeiitic andesite dyke of cumbraeite type intruded into Upper Devonian sandstones.

For those who prefer fairy tales, the story goes that some good elves wanted to build a bridge from this part of the island over to the mainland. However, a group of bad goblins were competing to build another bridge nearby. Realising they were losing, the bad goblins became jealous and angry and kicked holes in the good elves’ bridge.

Cars can be safely parked off the road at N55 45.207 W004 54.115. Take care when walking the short distance along the road from the parking spot to the field gate. After rainy spells the ground can be a bit wet, so wear something mud-resistant on your feet.

WARNING: It is not a good idea to climb on any part of the Lion Rock as parts of it can be quite unstable, particularly following frosty spells. Finding the geocache does not require any climbing.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ghea 180 qrterrf sebz lbhe ivrj bs Ynetf - na rnfl ernpu sbe na nqhyg. Erzrzore gb ercynpr gur ebpxf!

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)