The ANANURI fortress with its churches, 66km north of Tbilisi, is a classic example of beautiful old Georgian architecture in a beautiful location, enhanced by the Zhinvali Reservoir that now spreads out below. The fortress belonged to the eristavis (dukes) of Aragvi, who ruled the land as far as the Tergi valley from the 13th to 18th centuries.
Within the fortress are two 17th-century churches, the larger of which, the Assumption Church, is covered with wonderful stone carving, including a large cross on every wall. Inside are vivid 17thand 18thcentury frescoes including a Last Judgement on the south wall. You can climb the tallest of the fortress towers, at the top end of the complex, for fine views: it was here that the last defenders were killed in 1739 when a rival eristavi set fire to Ananuri and murdered the Aragvi eristavi’s family.
In 2007, the complex has been on the tentative list for inclusion into the UNESCO World Heritage Site program.
The fortress is situated near the Georgian Military Highway, road engineered in the 19th century through mountain terrain between Tbilisi and Vladikavkaz. You can see the old bridge below the castle.
Enjoy also beautiful view to the Zhinvali Reservoir.
Pictures: GeoVanil; sources: Lonely Planet, Wikipedia