Skyline the Top Traditional Cache
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Located on Skyline Ridge north of the Stevens Pass ski area at 5381
ft. About a 3 mile R/T hike. Difficulty will depend on the season
and weather. Winter time access is via snowshoes or climbing.
Relatively easy durring sunny calm weather, or could be a life
threatening hike in bad weather. This is an exposed site anytime
durring the year, so be sure to bring the 10 essentials.
Located about 400 ft above and 1/2 mile from Skyline Lake on a
narrow ridge overlooking the Stevens Pass ski area and far reaching
views in all directions. Excellent snowshoeing area in the winter
and placed via snowshoes. Depending on weather a easy snowshoe
climb or a day long crawl. Access the road/trail north of the ski
area parking lot passing under the powerlines near the cabins.
Climb the road steeply up Skyline Ridge to a junction. Right goes
to Skyline View cache, left goes to Skyline Lake cache. This is an
excellent summer hiking area with incredible huckleberry picking in
season. Difficulty will drop quite a bit in the summer. You're
looking for a ammo box placed in winter time, so it may be 5-10 ft.
off the ground when the snow melts. I believe you should be able to
reach it year round. Huge rocks and caves are all about, so take
some time to look around. Pic. is looking east to Skyline Lake and
Warning Avalanche
Area Cache seekers assume all risks involved in seeking a
Additional Hints
Onfr bs ebpx jnyy arne gur gbc. Gevnatyr ebpx.