DGS: The making of a Dirtbag Traditional Cache
punkrocker: Since I don't plan on going back to Afghanistan to get the container, I decided it best to archive it.
DGS: The making of a Dirtbag
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FOB Salerno is in dire need of more geocaches. This is one of many more to come from me over the course of my deployment over here. Maybe I can encourage more people to join and in return place more caches.
This item is located on an ISAF military base, therefore the terrain rating is a 5. It will only be accessible by those with valid DOD or military ID cards. If asked what you are doing, be truthful. You need no special tools to remove the cache aside from your hands. This is a HIGH muggle traffic area so stealth is required.
The item you seek is a small pelican case from the FOB Salerno PX. There is a slight twist though. The cache is at the coordinates listed above. But, in order to get the cache open, you must first figure out where to find the key to the lock that is keeping the container closed. The cache itself is stocked with quite a few goodies for the FTF to take their pick from. Stickers, survival bracelet, bison tubes, muggle cards. Take something and leave something. Trade up or trade even. Good luck with the hunt.
Additional Hints
Pnpur: onfr bs gerr......Xrl: arne n cvpx avpx gnoyr