Oka Slalom Traditional Cache
a_past_life: We're deciding to archive this cache in order to make room for new local caches. With the popularity of geocaching in the bay are Team Aargnpopo wants to make sure there will be variety for both new and veteran cachers.
Sorry for any caches that were temporarily disabled. We were out of town for longer than expected and weren't able to do the proper cache maintenece that we would have liked. We're back at our real home in the south bay again and are going to be more involved cachers.
We're going to archive all of our caches exept for our selct favorite few. Here to stay are:
Yes Way Jose
A toast to Marki and Joani
Size:  (regular)
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Here's a pretty straight-forward cache located in a semi-suburban area.
** Note added 1-28-03 **
Somebody mentioned that they were afraid that the area this cache is located in might be in danger of being torn up by searchers. PLEASE be gentle with plantlife and landscaping in the immediate area. You will need to walk around on some off-road-like terrain for this cache, but please only walk on the dirt and not in or on the plants. I'm sure that everybody here already knows this, and not to insult anybody's intelligence, but we just needed to state it just to be safe. =) Thanks for being curtious to the environment. Happy caching!!
A pretty simple cache with pretty nearby parking ability. Please watch your step getting to the cache, the ground may be a bit loose with a slight grade, but nothing terrible. Just wouldn't want anybody to fall and get an owie. =)
Starting contents:
* Logbook
* Pen
* Geocaching note
* A few mini-tubs of Play-Doh.
We didn't have much means to start the cache with, so we filled it up with some little tubs of Play-Doh, because it's just fun. =)
This is our first cache we've hidden, so please any feedback would be most appreciated!
Thanks, we hope you enjoy!
-Aargnzarf & Kikipopo
P.S. Don't think hints should be needed, but will add if people have trouble finding it.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)