Ghost Tour of Hobart #5 Gwennie and the Madman Mystery Cache
Cheesy pigs: Unfortunately the spirit world has reclaimed this cache. The series has been fraught with problems, not really surprising for a series based on ghosts.
The garden has been redone and the cache exhumed, to parts unknown. RIP Gwennie.
Ghost Tour of Hobart #5 Gwennie and the Madman
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The Fifth and final chapter of a multi series taking Cachers on a Ghost Tour of Hobart.
Tasmania is known as the Commonwealths most haunted state, and with the horrendous conditions of Port Arthur, Richmond and Salt River, it’s no surprise. This series, inspired by an incident at Gas Works Engineers, takes cachers on a tour of five well known hauntings in the Hobart area, and asks the question, “do you believe?”. Because of the stories of each area this series comes with an M rating….Horror Themes. Due to the placement and the aim of the series none of these caches can be completed during daylight hours. Caches one through four are micros and contain coordinates for cache five. The coordinates are painted on the inside lid in luminescent paint. To get the clue shine a bright light on the inside lid for about 20-30 seconds, then remove the light source. The numbers are not visible in daylight. To ensure the caches can be found glowing arrows will point the way and I guarantee a ghost at every cache.
Gwennie and the Madman
Possible the most haunted southern area after Port Arthur and Richmond, this area boasts a former mental hospital, orphanage, convict housing and a church.
Within the radius of these buildings reports have been made of Footsteps in both the old Mental Health Services building, and the Chest Hospital, which once housed a “flock” of ghosts. The church, once used for Sunday Mass attended by free settlers, children from the next door orphanage, convalescing patients and convicts under guard, is said to house “Gwennie” a female child who can still be heard plaintively singing her psalms at dusk over a hundred years after her death. When Gwennie’s voice is heard a cold mist is said to envelop the Orphans gallery of the church.
*Due to continued problems with Anglesea Barracks and Parliament House these caches have been archived. The coordinates have been added to the description below.
South Coordinates = Shot Tower + .293.
East Coordinates = 147 17 + Hobart Penitentiary.
At placement cache contained:
“Ghostbusters” DVD FTF prize;
Glow in the dark skeleton;
Dinosaur fossil toy;
Vampire head keyring;
Skeleton fingers;
Glow in the dark eyeballs;
Skull ring;
Log book and pen.
Themed swaps are preferred, but not essential.
Additional Hints
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