CKayaks: 11:50:00 AM
11.5 miles. 1850 ascent/descent. Clear skies and brisk winds. An excellent day in Grant Park. Took the loop of the Brush Trail out then back on Dutch Flat trail. Saw no one on the trail all day.
Out pulling caches. Archiving everything in my inventory as time allows. Too many hassles and too much whining from cachers. Verbal abuse in email and logs. Finds logged when they did not visit and sign. People celebrating the king of fake logs with events! And GS not providing any support when the CO tries to enforce the quality of his caches. Done.
My suggestions for anyone that has concerns with this approach:
* Help clean up the game by raising your concerns with Groundspeak. Let them know that bad behavior by players, cheating, allowing false finds, and such has degraded the game.
* Do the same with the cachers involved. Politely hold them accountable. Publicly, in some cases, if need be.