Flying Saucer Traditional Cache
drjeff2011: Has already been replaced before, twice I think.
Size:  (micro)
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Micro in Harold Docherty Memorial Park, Hillsborough, NJ. Not much attempt at camo as the attached photo reveals. Log only. NOTE: original Play Doh container disappeared; replaced 11/10/13. New cache better disguised.
This delightful little park has a lighted ballfield, a roller hockey rinks, bathrooms, loads of picnic tables, bathrooms in season, and a tiny playground with a merry-go-round/flying saucer that you just don't see anymore at any park. What a classic! Ample parking. Enjoy and God bless!
CONGRATULATIONS to Raritan for a double FTF in one day!
Additional Hints
Rlr yriry.