Bricklayers' Playpen Mystery Cache
mainehockeyfan: This one is done.
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The cache is not at the coordinates shown above, but it is nearby.
Our Bricklayer (Masons) friends have many playpens. These playpens are places where the bricklayers gather in pursuit of their quest for enlightenment. The quest for ultimate enlightenment is a long difficult journey, and many obstacles block the path such as solving the Pigpen puzzle (GC20WK2). As the Bricklayers continue along the path to enlightenment, they are faced with other challenges. One of these challenges requires the use of a well-known matrix of numbers. This matrix was discovered many years ago by a well-known American whose name is familiar to everyone. In order to find this cache you will need this matrix of numbers. The coordinates for the cache are hidden in the matrix. Here is some help:
A = R8C5
B = R12C12 hmmm....must be zero
C = R6C1
D = R6C2
E = R2C5
F = R5C3
G = R2C2
H = R6C2
The cache is at: N44 A.BCD W068 E.FGH
The cache is a small bison tube camoed to blend in with its surroundings. The cache should be winter friendly since it is well up off the ground.
B. Y. O. P.
You can check your answers for this puzzle on
Congratulations to tandemstoker for FTF.
Additional Hints
Chmmyr: O. S. zntvp fdhner
Pnpur: Nybat n oenapu gung vf cbvagvat rnfg, frira srrg nobir gur tebhaq naq svir srrg sebz gur gehax.