Gotický farní kostel sv. Filipa a Jakuba (jeste v 17 stol. sv.
Markety a Barbory), tvorí dominantu obce
Jeho zalození je spojeno se samým vznikem obce. První krestanský
stánek nahradili zde Markvarticové - páni ze Vsene - na pocátku 14.
století novým gotickým kostelem,se sakristií a velkolepým
presbytárem které se zachovali doposud.Za Jaroslava z Vartmberka v
r. 1595 prosel rozsáhlými prestavbami.Soucasná podoba kostela je
výsledkem prestavby
Rohanu po
pozáru v roce 1832. V letech 2001-2002 byla provedena vnejsí obnova
z daru mecenáse
Jana Horácka
Trojlodní kostel s petibokým presbyteriem se sakristií jehož vez
pocházející z r. 1836 dole osmiboká, v horní cásti prechází ve
ctyrbokou. Kostelní schodiste zdobí soubor sesti pískovcových
plastik z dílny barokních socharu
Jelínku z
Kosmonos,oltár byl porizen, r. 1689 vyrobil jej neznámý truhlar
Práh kostela se nachází ve vysce 286,68 m.n.m. a od prahu až ke
spicce veze je to presných 36,4
The church of Vsen, a dominant
building of region southwards from the town Turnov, is located on
the south border of woods of Hruba Skala and could be seen from far
vicinity. There is a nice scenic view of region by the river Jizera
there, a panorama from the hill Kozakov and Jested ridge on the
north to the town of Mlada Boleslav on the south.
The foundation of the church of st. Philip and st. Jacob (former
know as a church of st. Margareth and St. Barbara) was in close
relation with the establishment of village Vsen. An important
gothic reconstruction was at the beginning of 14th century (a
sacristy and monumental presbitery part of building could be seen
till now). Another notable reconstruction was performed in the year
1595 (by Jaroslav od Vartemberk).
The present face is a result of the reconstruction by the Rohans
after the fire accident in 1832 and the last one was in the years
2001-2002 sponsored by
Bohuslav Jan
The church has a three bodies with a five-sided presbytery part and
sacristy with a tower (with an octagon shape at the bottom and
rectangle one near the top, the height of tower is 36,4 meters).
There are six baroque statues by the famous
family from Kosmonosy and a wooden altar made by an unknown
carpenter from the town Turnov.