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La Chupahogra Multi-Cache

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Rabid Chipmunks: Time for this one to go.

Hidden : 1/29/2008
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Geocache Description:

La Chupahogra!

"You're kidding me." Okay, now I was totally disgusted. I'd had a nice little vacation planned, visiting with my mother, when 2 days into it I get called back on duty. I met Agent Sculder at the GSP airport, where he had rented a van. On our drive up to a very small town in SC, he briefed me on the case, or what little he knew about it.

"A hog sucker" I snorted. "Sculder, I can't believe you. It's crazy that we are spending time investigating such a ridiculous claim. This is the URGENT case?!" Sculder wound the car around a small lake and down a short road to a nature preserve. We got out and were met by a local sheriff's deputy, and 2 males, approximately 30 years of age, who had been hiking. The hispanic hiker was speaking very animatedly to the other men as they walked towards us.

After we introduced ourselves, he continued the story. "I have seen this very same thing in my village in Chile. But, la Chupacabra sucks the blood of goats and this beast is sucking all the blood out of the wild hogs around here. We found three of the hog bodies on our way back down from hiking the mountain. La Chupahogra!"

I had to work really hard not to roll my eyes or chuckle. Here were 3 grown men standing around discussing a blood sucking beast and my partner was buying every word of it. Well, I wasn't! "Okay gentlemen, how about you take us and show us these hogs?" They looked at each other nervously. "Well, as long as you're armed, I guess we would be willing to go back in there. Those wild hogs are vicious and if something can kill one of them I sure as heck don't want to run into that beast."

We hiked a short distance along a relatively easy trail through the woods. We went past a lovely lake, where I would rather be going, and arrived at the first scene. There it was, a somewhat deflated looking dead hog. I, along with Agent Sculder, examined the creature. "What do you think, now Mully?!" he asked. I had to admit, the hog had been drained of all it's blood. But still, a chupahogra?

Sculder walked away to take a phone call as I continued to look for clues to disprove this ridiculous idea. All I could find were 2 puncture marks that went right into the hog's jugular vein.

Sculder was obviously unhappy when he returned. "Mully, I don't believe it! They're putting us on another case. Director Shimmer said we have to leave immediately to fly back to Washington. He's sending another agent. Can you believe that?" "Well Sculder, I guess we'll never know whether the chupahogra really exists." I replied.

You have been assigned to investigate the location where the hikers found the evidence of La Chupahogra attacks and find the truth behind the dead hogs. Examine the bodies thoroughly, then replace everything carefully. Be very careful, La Chupahogra may be watching and waiting for his next victim.

You will be going to the foothills below Hogback Mountain. Above are the coordinates for the first carcass and below is the closest parking area. Expect to spend about 3 hours on this investigation and be prepared for a hike with 700 feet of elevation gain. This preserve is a very pretty area, but you are on the clock, so keep moving.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

haqre n ebpx haqre n ebpx haqre n ebpx frr n cnggrea?

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)