Peters Brook is a tributary of the Raritan River that flows south through Bridgewater and Somerville, NJ. Peters Brook is approximately six miles long, beginning near Interstate 287 and emptying into the Raritan River south of Somerville. The Brook is named for Peter Van Nest, son of a Dutch immigrant named Pieter Van Nest. The homestead of the Van Nest family was in nearby Raritan near Glaser Avenue. Peter Van Nest fought in the American Revolution under the command of Jacob Ten Eyck between 1775 and 1781.
A 1.5 mile long gravel pathway in Somerville traces the course of the brook through the borough. The trail is about eight feet wide and runs from Mountain Avenue to High Street. The brook also traverses Flockhart Park, which is accessible from US-202 South in Bridgewater right before the Somerset Shopping Center and Somerville Circle exit. Flockhart Park was named after former Somerville Mayor Thomas Flockhart. This was finally extended southward to the terminus here near Duke Farms.
The cache area needs some CITO help, so any you could provide would be appreciated. You'll need a writing implement to sign the log. On nice days, there could be many muggles about.
Be stealthy, my friends, and keep on caching!
FTF: Congratulations to -Juice-!