Many thanks to
LHollo777 for introducing us to this property!
Welcome to the Agawam River Pine Barrens, a 68-acre parcel
purchased by the Wareham Land Trust in 2007. It could be quite an
adventure navigating to this area and 4-wheel drive or all-wheel
drive is highly recommended. You can also kayak to this area from
Whitlock's Landing, see GC2Q4V1.
Access to this area is via Glen Charlie Road in East Wareham.
Take a left onto Agawam Rd. at the sign for Yogi Bear's Jellystone
Campground at #290 Glen Charlie Rd. After crossing the river there
is a sign directing traffic to the left for the campground, you
want to continue straight here. Follow this narrow, dirt road for
close to 2 miles. The Agawam River Pine Barrens begins just after
crossing the gas line. If you do decide to navigate this road
please be aware that there is quite a bit of ATV traffic, please
watch for other vehicles coming the opposite way.