ATHC: Skull Mesa Trail Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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A nice hike in the Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area.
The Arizona Traditions Hiking Club is devoted to hiking and enjoying the outdoors. We have noticed a lack of geocaches along many of the well established trails and decided to set out a few of our own.
This cache is along the Skull Mesa Trail off the Spur Cross (Maricopa Trail). The road coming in is Spur Cross Road off of Cave Creek Road. Parking is at N 33 53.168 W 111 57.098. There is a $3 per person entrance fee unless you have a Maricopa Parks Pass. Take the Spur Cross Trail (SX) toward Trail 247. The cache is a pill bottle and is in plain sight.
FTF honors go to RescueUS.
Additional Hints
Oruvaq gur fxhyy.