Ovo je spomenik posvecen zrtvama Drugog svetskog rata, izgleda kao ruka. Nalazi se blizu sela Nova Gajdobra i izgradjen je pre vise od 50 godina.
Geocache je sakriven u dnu spomenika. Molimo vas, kada vratite Geocache, ponovo ga pokrijte listom ili kamenom , da ga vetar ne bi oduvao. Kutija sadrzi papir, olovku i zarezac za olovku. Kutija je vodootporna. Hvala na poseti !
This is a monument dedicated to the Second world war, the monument looks like a hand. It is located close to the village of Nova Gajdobra, and the monument was made more than 50 years ago.
The Geocache is hidden at the bottom of the monument. Please, when you put back the Geocache, cover it with a leaf or rock so the wind doesnt blow it away. The box contains a logbook, a pencil, a pencil sharpener and it is waterproof. Thank you for visiting !