RTU = Riga Technical University
Dotajaas koordinaatees juus neatradiisiet sleepni! Vispirms
jums ir jaaieguust pareizaas koordinaates!
Sleepnis atrodas vietaa, kur ir liels geimeru sabliiveejums.
RTU studenti, protams, ir lielaakie Latvijas geimeri.
Sleepnii shobriid nav ziimulis! Panjem liidzi savu!
Lai dabuutu koordinaates, tev jaaizspeelee saliidzinoshi
vienkaarsha speele, tiekot paari 20. liimenim! Speeles uzdevums ir
atshkjetinaat grafu, lai neviena liinija nekrustotos.
Speele pieejama sheit vai
sheit (ja pirmaa
adrese nestraadaa).
Par Rigas Tehnisko universitati
RTU ir dibinaata 1862. gadaa. Saakotneeji kaa Riigas Politehniskaa
augstskola. Savu pashreizeejo nosaukumu - Riigas Tehniskaa
universitaate - taa ieguvusi 1990. gadaa.
RTU ir Latvijas otraa lielaakaa universitaate studentu skaita
zinjaa. RTU kopumaa studee vairaak nekaa 17 000 studentu.
RTU fakultaates atrodaas dazhaadaas Riigas vietaas, kaa arii
vairaakaas filiaalees aarpus Riigas. RTU galvenaa eeka atrodas
Vecriigaa - Kaljkju ielaa 1. Savukaart lielaakais RTU eeku un
studentu kopmiitnju komplekss atrodas Kjiipsalaa.
Plashaakai informaacijai apmekleejiet www.rtu.lv.
You will not find the cache at the given coordinates! First
you need to get the right coordinates!
The cache is located in the area with high gamer concentration. RTU
students of course are the greatest gamers in Latvia.
No pencil currently there! Take your own with you!
To get the coordinates you
need to play a relatively easy game and get over the level 20. In
the game you need to untangle a graph by repositioning the nodes so
that no two lines cross.
You can access the game
here or
here (if the
first site doesn't work).
About Riga Technical University
Riga Techical university was established in 1862. Initially as Riga
Polytechnic. In 1990, it was renamed to Riga Technical
RTU is the second largest university in Latvia. More than 17 000
students are studying in RTU.
RTU faculties are located in different places in Riga as well as in
several affiliations in the largest towns of Latvia. RTU main
building is located in Old Riga, in Kalku street 1. But the largest
complex of RTU buildings and student houses is located in
For more information visit www.rtu.lv.