Went the Cache Well? Multi-Cache
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A tribute to an Ealing Studios film set in a delightful Chiltern village.
Beware of Fifth Columnists!
Turville is set in the Hambleden Valley with outstanding views, and is ideal for a visit on a warm summer’s day; there are many excellent walks in the area. Turville is also one of Britain’s most frequently used film and television locations.
This cache recalls the filming of “Went the Day Well” a propaganda film, which was shot during the Second World War and tells the story of a supposedly ordinary English Village, which is actually occupied by German Fifth Columnists. As the story unfolds it slowly becomes clear that no one is who he or she seemed. The film was based on a story by Graham Greene and was directed by Alberto Cavalcanti.
Other productions filmed in Turville include “The Vicar of Dibley” (the cottage by the church entrance doubles as the Vicars home) and “Goodnight Mister Tom”.
Park near the village green at the above starting point co-ordinates.
N 51 3A.BCD
W 000 5D.EEE
To complete the co-ordinates you will have to follow the short trail and answer the following simple clues.
Firstly, what is the village phone box's telephone number?
Answer = 01491-B384C0
April 2012:
Damn those Fifth Columnists they have taken away the phone!
Here’s the number for you:
01491-638490 (B=6, C=9)
Proceed a short distance to:
LOCATION 1: N51 36.821, W000 53.567
What is the date on the black metal churchyard gates?
Answer = 195A
LOCATION 2: N51 36.778, W000 53.625
When was the village school built?
Answer = x87y
D = x+y
Walk away from the village along The Chiltern Way, through the gate and around the field edge to
LOCATION 3: N51 36.729, W000 53.916
How many steps are there on each side of the stile?
Answer = E
Well Done! You now have all missing numbers and can enter the final co-ordinates into your GPS.
You have a choice from the stile at Location 3: After climbing the stile you can either turn immediately left and up a gentle climb or go straight ahead dropping down for a while before a climb up a steeper gradient. The paths join up so, offer you a circular tour.
I had hoped to encourage cachers to take a hike up to Turville Hill to Cobstone Mill (privately owned and not open to the public) but it is a very steep climb, the bushes are far too prickly and sparse to conceal a cache and there is a conservation area nearby. I cannot force you to go up there BUT I would strongly recommend it for the views or for your post cache picnic; when I explored I saw a Red Kite land very close by. This windmill was the one used in the film “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” (1968) and was where crazy inventor Caractacus Potts and his family lived; it also featured in a 1976 episode of “The New Avengers”.
The cache is a 2 litre plastic box, it contains loads of children’s goodies, a few important letters from Hogwarts, a “Ducati” sticker for Dads, and earlier visitors also get a miniature version of the “Went the Day Well?” film poster.
It will inevitably be busy in pleasant weather, please be discrete (you will need all the cunning and the skill of a Fifth Columnist) and hide the box thoroughly afterwards.
Continue a little further along this footpath for a good view across the valley and back towards the windmill – go on, you really ought to climb up there!
The village pub is haunted, perhaps that’s why some cachers have found the prices a bit scary!
Additional Hints
Orgjrra gur cngu naq gur srapr haqre n snyyra gerr fghzc.