A Stroll In The Park Multi-Cache
TeeAreKay: This cache has been washed away in the summer floods. It no longer exists.
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This is a four part multi-step cache. It’s not too difficult and you are going to walk more than a mile when you stay on course. At times you may be on a paved path and other times you may be in a dried or muddy creek bed. These coordinates take you to the first cache which will contain instructions, coordinates and a hint to the next cache. That cache will point you to the next one, and so on… You must find the second and third cache before you will be able to locate the final cache. Good luck and happy caching!
The initial items included in the cache are mostly tools with a couple of things for the kids. See the photo.
Additional Hints
Gur svefg pnpur vf va n fznyy juvgr cynfgvp wne jvgu n oyhr yvq. Ybbx sbe gur fznyy flpnzber gerr tebjvat ng na natyr