A Trip Down Memory Lane Traditional Cache
tekegadgets: The poison ivy has gone dormant, the thorns have died back (though not completely!) and mud has frozen solid and the cache, well its seen better days. We finally braved the elements with below zero wind chills and recovered the cache. We are going to rehide it on the other side of the park where, hopefully, there will be less flooding, thorns and poison ivy. Thanks for all the visitors, this cache had seen a lot of traffic and hopefully it will be healthy again.
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The History: My wife and I put this together as our first cache, a trip down memory lane for us and this area. We met while both of us were working our way through college at the Giant Food Store in the shopping center across the street from the lake. We’ve spent many nights buying cold snacks from the Rita’s down the street and “chilling out” by this lake. Then to top it off, six months ago we got married at St. Frances Cabrini – the Church also across the street from the lake. To make our trip down memory lane even more interesting, I found out that she went to the school which is the second way to get to the cache!
What’s in it: We bought items from a verity of stores in Giant/Wal-Mart shopping center, to add more meaning to our trip down memory lane. Items include fuses, cards, pencils, stickers, little erasers, yo-yo, batteries in case you’re running low, and for all the other “techies” out there - a few things from Radio Shack.
How to get there: It is hidden in Oxford Valley Park, also called Lake Caroline. Most of the 0.4 mile walk is on the Blacktop path (no buskwacking is required, but watch out for duck droppings!) The path can be busy sometimes, especially in the summer. Primary entrance is between the Oxford Valley Pool and the firehouse on Hood Blvd. 40.10.461N 74.51.050W. Park behind the pool and you will see the trail. Secondary entrance is on the other side of the lake at Oxford Valley Elem. School on Trenton Rd., 40.10.649N 74.51.114W. Park back by the basketball court (but NOT during school). I let the GPS average for about a minute, so hopefully the coordinates are right on. The cache container is clear with a blue trimmed lid. Please be sure to cover it back up so no one who’s not looking for it doesn’t find it! There are other caches hidden in this park too.
Additional Hints
Haqre n snyyra gerr snegurfg sebz gur ynxr.