Korpereiret Traditional Cache
Size:  (small)
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Cachen ligger omtrent 6 meter ned i veggen, så du trenger klatreutstyr for å nå den.
You need to bring your climbing gear to reach the cache, because it's approximately 6 meters down in the canyon.
Korpereiret, 1 km lang canyon i elven Øksna, syd for GCY8P1 Nordhue og nærme GC11BTB Korperud, på grensen mellom Løten og Elverum.
Terrenget ble utformet under og etter første istid.
Interessant botanikk med de bratte og fuktige nordvendte elveskråningene.
Cachen ligger omtrent 6 meter ned i veggen, så du trenger klatreutstyr for å nå den.
Ting å gjøre i Korpereiret / Things to do in Korpereiret:
Bade / Svimming
Klatring / Climbing
Friluftsliv / Recreation
. . .
In English:
Korpereiret is a 1000 meters canyon in the river Øksna, south of GCY8P1 Nordhue and near to GC11BTB Korperud, on the border between the municipalitys Løten and Elverum.
The first ice age formed the canyon.
The steep and moisty north-turned hillsides makes the botany very interesting.
You need to bring your climbing gear to reach the cache, because it's approximately 6 meters down in the canyon.
Additional Hints
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