"Flieg Ford!"
Ob ihr den "fliegenden Ford" als Kunstobjekt schätzt oder meint, dass HA Schult das "Flugobjekt" gemeinsam mit den "Müllmännern" aus Köln hätte entsorgen sollen, entscheidet bitte selbst. Ich finde es skurril genug, um darauf aufmerksam zu machen.
Whether you enjoy the flying Ford ("fliegenden Ford") as a work of art or whether you think that HA Schult should have disposed of this flying object together with "Müllmännern" (garbage men) in Cologne, is your decision. I think it is strange enough to be shown.
Note: The name of the cache is a pun in the German language, which is difficult to translate. The German phrase "Flieg fort!" means "Fly away" and sounds similar to the name of the cache "Flieg Ford!", which means "Fly Ford!". But thats not important for finding the cache