Canada Island Traditional Cache
Mckinley: I have archived this cache as i can no longer take care of it.
(not chosen)
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WARNING ! This cache is on an island you need a canoe to get to it.
The Parking for this cache is on the south service road at the following coordinates.
Parking N 43 10.744
W 79 19.594
From this point it is about a 1.5 km canoe ride to the cache site.
Land your canoe on the south side of the island at
N 43 09 .974
W 79 19 .876
Note if you go to map quest to better see the location of this cache you will see that the cache looks like it is in the middle of the water but I assure you that there is an island there it just does not show up on their map.
Additional Hints
Gur pnpur vf ol n fghzc arne gur jngre.