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Bruid van Haarlem (#1 of Thijsse´s Wish Duet) Multi-Cache

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de wildeman: Je cache is door mij gearchiveerd in verband met het te lang op disabled staan.

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Met vriendelijke groet,
de wildeman
Groundspeak Volunteer Geocache Reviewer

Hidden : 10/28/2001
4 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

In the dunes of the National Park Zuid-Kennemerland (NPZK), west of Haarlem and between IJmuiden en Zandvoort. This cache is located in the northern part of the Kennemerduinen. The hiking/biking routes are in Duin en Kruidberg (Natuurmonumenten) and in the Kennemerduinen (PWN).

Regels/Rules - Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland

  • open van zonsopgang tot zonsondergang
  • wandelen alleen op de paden
  • geen toegang voor honden
  • open from sunrise till sunset
  • only walking on the paths
  • dogs not allowed

The parking of the Duin en Kruidberg is free-of-charge. The parking fee of all the other entrances is € 3,40. The railwaystation Santpoort-Noord is close to the entrance Duin en Kruidberg (0.5 km).

Thijsse´s Wens/Wish
"Onze duinen zijn het produkt van onderlinge samenwerking van zee en zand, wind en water, plantengroei en dierenleven.Waar dit proces ongestoord plaats grijpt, ontstaat een landschap van wonderbare schoonheid en rijkdom, van eeuwigdurende bekoring, niet te benaderen door de allergrootste kunst van de beste landschapsarchitecten". Met deze openingszin begint de nota die Jac. P. Thijsse in 1944 schreef over het duingebied "tusschen den Zandvoortschen Straatweg en het Noordzeekanaal". In zijn ogen moest dit gebied het nationaal park ofwel natuurreservaat en recreatieoord worden, genaamd de Kennemerduinen.Jac. P. Thijsse heeft het grootste deel van zijn leven in Haarlem en omgeving gewerkt en gewoond. Hij stond aan de wieg van de Nederlandse natuurbescherming en was gelijktijdig een gedreven verbeteraar van het onderwijs. Het is daarom bijzonder dat na ruim vijftig jaar een deel van zijn wens uiteindelijk in vervulling is gegaan. Jac. P. Thijsse

"Our dunes are the product of the interaction between sea and sand, wind and water, flora and fauna. Where this process is allowed to take its natural course, it shapes a landscape of magnificent beauty and wealth, of everlasting appeal, which none of the best landscape designers could even come close to creating, no matter how hard they try." This sentence opens the memorandum that Jac. P. Thijsse wrote in 1944, a year before his death, about the dunes "between the Zandvoortschen Straatweg road and the Noordzeekanaal channel" which he advocated having designated as a national park or nature reserve and recreation area called De Kennemerduinen. Jac. P. Thijsse lived and worked most of his life in Haarlem and environs. He was one of the founding fathers of nature conservation in the Netherlands, but was at the same time a genuine innovator of education. All this makes it all the more special that part of Thijsse’s dream should become reality the year of commemoration of his death 50 years ago.

Bruid van Haarlem aan de wandel
De bruid is blond en heeft een sluier van zand (zie artikel)

Bruid van Haarlem (Haarlem´s Bride) is the local name for the Rosebay Willowherb (Wilgenroosje). The dunes just behind the sign from question 6 are also called Bruid van Haarlem.

I made a hiking track along the caches of the Thysse´s Wish Trilogy.
Click here for a detailed map with the hiking/biking routes (THIS IS A SPOILER but could be handy when you are completely lost)

So you can find a minimum of 2 caches in one day by walking 16 km or by a combination of hiking and biking. Please prepare yourself carefully. Bring enough to drink and eat. Take your cellphone with you in case of emergency.
Strand- & Duinpaviljoen Parnassia is located on:
N 52 25.092
E 04 33.247

Solve the 6 questions below and calculate the co-ordinates of
Bruid van Haarlem

1. Go to:
N 52 26.361
E 04 34.588
Which number is
missing on this
picture ?

B = (answer)
2. Go to:
N 52 25.558
E 04 33.777
The distance, in
whole kilometers,
to Parnassia Strand ?

C =
3.   The distance, in
whole kilomers,
to Ingang Koevlak ?

D =
4. Go to:
N 52 25.333
E 04 34.371
Which numbers
are missing:

E =
F =

The GPS-distance from
this point to the cache
is 670 m !!!
Swap E and F if
necessary !!!
5. Find #2, Bruid van Haarlem, on:
N 52 25.FCE
E 04 34.D4B

The cache is covered with moss; no need to dig. Please bring a stick to locate its position.

This cache is part of the Thijsse´s Wish Duet:
#1 Bruid van Haarlem
#2 Oosterplas
To walk or bike/walk the Duet you have to look on both internet pages.

Haarlem 28 oct. 2001

Additional Hints (No hints available.)