The first location you are looking for will take you to just about where my first geocache Hi Ho Rodeo Farmer in the Dell was located. But since someone chose to be very destructive I've made this a multicache so no one can destroy this.
You are looking for the meter that will give the clue to the second coordinates. Look for the string of numbers that will follow the following pattern xx yyy zzz on the meter to help you get the second coordinates which will lead you to the real cache.
26° 0_._ _8 North
80° 1_._ _2 West
If you take the middle set of numbers represented to by the YYY and ADD 232. You will get the North coordinate.
To find the West coordinate take the last set of number represented by the ZZZ and add 430. This will give you the three numbers you need to plug into the missing West Coordinates.
If you enjoy fishing the first location is great. I have seen many people catching peacock bass. The second location is great for kids. Many picnic areas, playgrounds. Hiking trails and even horse trails. If you weigh less then 240 pounds and you want to ride there is horesback riding facilities you can rent. This is a great place to bring your bicycles, frisbees, or anything else you like to do in a park.
During the week there is definetly no fee to enter the second site. I'm not sure if there is a weekend fee but I don't think so.