Ok... So I've calmed down a bit after Low-Medium-High, Contact, and Dude. This cache is simple. Just go right to the coordinates and find the cache... Oh.. When's the last time you climbed a tree?
Please use your best judgement before attempting this cache. If at any point you feel like you can not reach it, then stop. I don't want anyone getting hurt!
When you put the cache back, please try to put it higher than where you found it.
The cache is another unique container that I found at Wacky Willy's.
Smaller items will fit best in this container. A CD will not fit.
The container is split into 2 sections: One side for treasures, the other side is a first aid kit. Please do not trade with items in the first aid kit. They are there in case you need to use them :)
Note: Please only log this as a find if you actually get to the cache and sign the logbook. If you get there and decide to not climb the tree, please log it as either a 'not found' or 'note'. Thanks for understanding...
I scanned in the pages of the logbook from the 'frist round' of Tree Hugger. First round being that the cache made it to the top of the tree, and I brought it back down. Let's see how long it takes to complete 'round two'.
The logbook pages are pretty interesting. Follow this link to check them out!