The Attack of the Clones Cache is located near OHSU, where doctors have successfully cloned monkeys. Using this technology, The Attack . . . Cache is producing additional caches to be planted around the city. The Attack of the Clones Cache is a special cache in that it contains a CLONE CACHE inside of it. If you find the cache and you know of a good spot to hide another cache, but just haven't gotten around to it, you can take the CLONE CACHE container out of the Attack cache and hide it.
Note: Sometimes the CLONE CACHE will not be present due to a previous visitor taking it. I will periodically replace it, so other caches can be produced.
If you have found the CLONE CACHE inside of the Attack cache go ahead and take it and hide it. I ask that you only do the following.
- Only take the CLONE CACHE if you know of a prime spot in the Portland/Vancouver Metro area. Please don't take it and hide it on the way back to your car.
- Please email me at to discuss the retrieval and exchange of the CLONE CACHE container. At this time you will need to log the cache in and monitor it yourself. I will simply work with you to ensure that the CLONE CACHE container is returned, and your cache has a new container.
This idea was taken from the Breeder cache in So. Cal, and modified slightly. A big thank you to Yrium for all his help.
The first clone was placed, suffered some complications, and has now been replaced. Maps-R-Us has created Wild Mansion - Clone I. Check it out, and thanks to Maps-R-Us.
The second clone has been archived. It was close to the West campus of OHSU, where Andi the monkey was actually cloned. Stormtrooper: Revenge of the Clone was placed by GlobalTrek. Thanks to GlobalTrek for the added info on the real life cloning. Should replace it sometime in the near future.
The third clone has been placed! Whizzo Chocolate Company has created Johnson's Clone, which sadly was archived in March of 2003. Thanks to Whizzo et al.
The fourth clone has been placed, and the force was strong with this clone! The Attack cache had produced a Luke Skywalker clone, and Waynepdx inadvertenly found the Clone cache off in the wilds of Portland. He created the Kane Clone Cache, which contains a Clone producing Star Wars action figure. Unfortunately, it may have gone to the Dark Side, as it is now gone.
A fifth clone! The R2Detour Clone Cache was placed by Rices Raiders at the extreme edges of the Portland Metro boundary. It is exciting to see another cache out there.
The first clone of 2003 is alive and well. A Clone of My Own was spawned by Kiwimonster, and it is a great looking puzzle cache. Maybe this Attack cache should check out some birth control.
The second cache of 2003 was placed by Wheelsman. Pirate Booty Clone Cache can be found here. Seven clones so far!
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